epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Book Reviews: Solitaire For 2 + Night School: Fracture

Solitaire For 2 by Neil Mullarkey
A novelisation of the 1995 film that is far better than the movie.

Night School: Fracture by C.J. Daugherty
Allie is utterly miserable and Cimmeria no longer feels like a safe haven. She’s been drawn into the poisonous orbit of the mysterious Nathaniel. Everyone belabours how irredeemably evil the violent loser is. But he’s not exactly interesting. Allie’s hardscrabble battle to find herself is interesting but the clash between Nathaniel and Isabelle isn’t exactly a tough competition. This was good after the terrible 'Legacy'. I'm eager to see how this goes, I suspect an upcoming twist.

Best Lines:
“As if, you utter tosser.”

“Thought we were dead, nothing major.”

“It sounded French and mysterious.”

“Everyone likes a bit of threatening.”

“People only seemed to get them in Dickens.”

“I am allowed to subdue you, boy. You do not want me to subdue you.”

“You psycho bastard.”

“Is that your big, clever plan?”
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