Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier
The 2nd in the ‘Girl About Time’ trilogy is awful, a total misfire after the enjoyable ’Ruby Red’. I don’t know if it is the result of bad translation from the original German or just sloppy writing - or both - but this book sucks. Gwyneth has the time travelling gene so she time travels and has a bizarre relationship with the obviously perfidious Gideon. She whines, is wilfully stupid and displays her pig ignorance with pride. I don’t care about her, the time travelling mystery or any of these characters. Gwyneth has to be the most stupid protagonist ever. Again, this was awful and I’m done with this trilogy. I won’t bother with ’Emerald Green’.
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF edited by Mike Ashley, part 1
Caveat Time Travler
A con artist makes a living off time travellers. Okay.
Century to Starboard
A luxury cruise liner becomes a Flying Dutchman through time. Good.
Walk To The Full Moon
A linguist is asked to study a time displaced ice-age hominid. Good but could have been even better.
The Truth About Weena
A sequel to ‘The Time Machine’, in which Weena chases history though free love. This was ridiculous.
Best Line:
“A procession of her lovers, an exceedingly long procession.”
The Wind over The World
A scientific trip back in time goes awry for one team member. Okay.
Scream Quietly
A tedious tale of Victorian time travel.
Darwin’s Suitcase
A bizarre rant about Darwin. Ugh.
Try and Change The Past
A dull take on inevitability.
Needle In A Timestack
A couple find their marriage under threat by the wife’s crazy ex. This is good but is marred by the wife’s bizarre passive acceptance of her abusive ex remodelling her life.
Best Line:
“I can still remember, a little, how it was with us, the fun, the running along the beach, the kids, the little fat calico cat - but it’s all gone, isn’t it?”