epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

Book Reviews: The Daemon Prism + Rebellion + Deathstalker Prelude

The Daemon Prism by Carol Berg
The 3rd novel in the ‘Collegia Magica’ trilogy is overlong, boring and underwhelming. Dante, the despised mage, takes centre stage and is the hero as he muses on good and evil as he untangles a magical conspiracy. I was very very disappointed.

Rebellion: The Tainted Realm Book Two by Ian Irvine
The sequel to ‘Vengeance’ is stodgy. Tali is an impulsive idiot, Rix is a thankless jackass and the imperilled Hightspallers are whining morons. The war rages and takes new turns yet everything in this book is so boring.

Best Line:
“We did wrong, Grandys. Grave wrong.”

Deathstalker Prelude by Simon R Green
This is a collection of three novellas (‘Mistworld’, ‘Ghostworld’, ‘Hellworld’) set prior to ‘Deathstalker’. Sadly all three are dull and formulaic.
Tags: 2nd hand book store find, book review

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