epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Book Reviews: Mad Scientist’s Guide To World Domination part 2 +GirlOfNightmares+ Superheroes part 1

The Mad Scientist’s Guide To World Domination edited by John Joseph Adams, part II

The Last Dignity of Man
His name is Alexander Luthor and he feels the weight of his fictional namesake. This is very good and could almost be a ‘Smallville’ fanfic.

The Pittsburgh Technology
A loser tries to get a better life and fails. This was bad.

Mofongo Knows
A super ape and his ‘heroic’ nemesis have got old, bitter and are rotting away in a carnie sideshow act. This was excellent.

Best Lines:
“I’m on the UN watch list!”
“You’ve been off that list for twenty-six years,”

The Food Taster’s Boy
By Ben H. Winters, a man has conquered the world and now he’s bored. So he decides to create a nemesis. This was excellent with a coldly cruel final line.

Girl Of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
The sequel to ‘Anna Dressed In Blood’ is a letdown. Anna’s gone (or is she?). Cas has to deal with his friend Carmel becoming a mean girl and investigating the truth about his mysterious athame. Cas encounters an organisation of pompous dickweeds and a truly annoying girl named Jestine. This was annoying and boring,

Superheroes edited by Rich Horton, part 1

An anthology that does exactly what it says on the tin.

Sunlight Society
A man infiltrates the HQ of the ‘heroes’ to find proof they are liars. This was okay.

Secret Identity
An over long coming of age tale involving superheroes. This was mediocre.

The Illustrated History Of Lord Grimm
Trovenia, an Eastern European land, is invaded again by American superheroes. Elena is an ordinary woman who will be utterly changed by what she experiences. This was excellent.

Best Line:
“Off to fight the ubermensch!”

Tonight We Fly
A pensioner superhero gets a message from his equally geriatric nemesis. This was okay.

Wild Card
FBI agents hunt down a supervillain who thinks he is the Joker. This was good.

Heroic Measures
A superhero (obviously Superman but not named for legal reasons) is dying in hospital of old age. His wife (Lois) has to ask an old enemy (Lex) for help. This was good.

The Biggest
A mediocre tale of a dime store hero.

Dr Death vs. The Vampire
A not so nice guy hunts a vampire on a bus. This was very good.

Best Line:
“I don’t think the shaman who painted that image was celebrating. I think he was afraid.”

Superhero Girl
A man fell in love with a maniac pixie dream girl who claimed to be a superhero. But was she really? This was okay.
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