epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Movie Reviews: The Furies+The Kitchen

The Furies (2019)

Women are hunted by axe and scythe wielding masked men. There is gore and violence. This was absolutely horrendous.

The Kitchen (2019)

Melissa McCarthy, Elisabeth Moss of 'The Handmaid's Tale', Domhall Gleeson, James Badge Dale and Margo Martindale of 'The Americans' star in this bomb adapted from a comic or something. It is 1978 in Hell's Kitchen and low rent Irish mobsters are losing out. They fist fight the FBI and go to jail. This is a race to the bottom.

They brutalised their lives. Now with the vilified husbands away the wives get into thuggery. This was of limited relevance. The lack of money was a serious challenge to the 3 wives. A scary MIL (Martindale) lurks. This is not a palace of culture.

What's a job bank? There is justifiable outrage at awful men and a veteran (Gleeson) who is hired to kill people. There is ridicule and the wives are dejected and slouching. They live in a ghastly part of a great city. This was not distinctively thrilling. Scum lurk full of bigotry, spite and bile.

This was meaningless. The wives meance a man in the loo. Feral men make sordid innuendoes and baseless claims. There is calumny. This was dismal. There are outcomes they don't like. There are raw feelings. There is body disposal carried out in a bath. This was fanciful. There is no urgency. There are hookers. People wave guns in braod daylight. This leaves you disappointed and frustrated.

The wives face devaluation and denigration. The soundtrack is all 70s greatest hits. There is death and a lazy narrative. The husbands get out of jail. Cue violence. There are bad 'Irish' accents and suspicious circumstances and reprehensible people. Only the soundtrack was good.

Best Lines:

“Sorry baby.”

“We don't have control anymore.”

“I have 43 dollars in the bank.”

“There is no place for us out there. None.”

“Who's going to hire you?”

“Don't even remember what family means.”

“Trouble might come looking for you.”

“Now we run this neighbourhood.”

“The currents here have always been good for this.”

“Runners call attention.”

“What kind of people let their women do this work?”

Tags: handmaids tale, movie review, the americans

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