Headache/Cry Havoc
Juliette is beyond redemption. Renard talks in a stupid fake English accent. Renard brought something back with him from the afterlife. There's death. Renard wears a flatcap he got from somewhere. The grimmette is back. Renard constantly ripping his shirt open and putting on a 'cockney' accent is hilariously stupid. Nick's mommy is murderded thanks to Juliette. How can Jack The Ripper drive a car? How to cover up the murders Renard committed? Doesn't DNA exist? The prince git is framed as the killer. Renard's child is taken. Nick murders the prince git, nobody will miss his bad acting. Nick finally inflicts some domestic violence on Juliette. The grimmette kills the bimbo. Nick can't act. This is terrible.
There is conduct prejudicial to integrity and proper conduct. Gotham has governance issues. Wouldn't Wayne Manor be a crime scene after Hank blew up? Connor broods. There is negativity and untruths and toxic fallout. Dawn leaves, nobody cares.
There is no dark malicious wit. Blame is apportioned. This was not a vicious dissection of the superhero mythos. I'm sure some world ending weapon is being cooked up. Jason's soul is broken. The big bad is not some unperceived mysterious figure – he's obvious! Starfire freaks out. There is deliberate conduct and deliberate harassment. This was not compelling. Babs sees herself as of repute.
There is a frightening culture in Gotham. This was an illogical absolute shambles. Horrendous and unfair things happen. This was not poignant. Dick kidnaps Crane in his very fancy, very obvious car. Bruce trained his Robins in a creepy cabin in the woods which is full of survelliance equipment. Yeah the vibes of that could be read another way. Babs is an insatiable cow. This was a negative narrative.
Trust is squandered. Babs is inexporable. Dick is onto Crane and that Jason is Crane's protegee. This causes a lack of enthusiasm. This egregiously fails. Dick is not so dumb. This was dysfunctional. Blackfire, Starfire's sister, shows up. There is pain and suffering and I do not care. There is agitation and abrogation of responsibilities. There is no moral obligation. This was exhausting. Dick is sorrowful. There is tawdriness.
There is dismay and things are misconstrued. There is low morale. Dick had to kill a wolf with a knife as a child? Dick gets shot due to Babs.
Best Lines:
“The Lex part of me.”
“Worry about where your mind is going.”
“Don't say that word.”
“Took Batman to bring him in last time.”
“Bruce took him here too. It's where he trained us.”
“Witch girl.”
“So sorry about all of that.”
“Extraterrestrial threat assessment.”
“Shred of mercy.”
“The wolf should have been afraid of me.”
“Using fear to control eveyrone including his sons.”
There is Jason and Crane backstory. This was unwatchable whining. Jason is hyperbolic and has a potent desire to annoy. This causes complacency.
Lady Vic
There is no goodwill in these tumultuous times. Jason is not a chortling japster. There is no jolly insouciance. Babs is a bad person. Jason is a mystically reanimated pyschopath. A knife maniac lurks. Blackfire is raucous. The baddie du jour is a judgmentally stabby nut. People lurk ominiously. There are unhappy lives. There are flashbacks to 6 years ago when Dick was still Robin.
6 years ago Babs was still horrible and a thief to boot. This was innocuous. This was not enjoyably nasty. This has no durability. Troubled types lurk. This was not hugely interesting. There are fractures in their lives. This was not cerebral or philosophical. This was not darkly enchanting. This was not disconcerting. This is full of trivialities and sluggardliness. This causes an implausible lack of interest.
Dick's been shot, he walks it off. Danger is imminent and apocalyptic. This was not pivotal. There is no rhetorical pondering. Babs is repellent and ideologically unreliable. Jason is hostile. There is no credibility. Crane is into destabilisation. There is no elan. There are recriminations. Babs does outrage in this chaotic mess.
What a bitch Babs is. This elaves you baffled. Babs exacerbates. Babs does not say sorry, she is a c word. Dick talks about Oracle. Why does Dick put up with Babs crap? This was not extremely worrying. This is a very seirous situation. There are no grave concerns. Blackfire is hostile and there is hassle.
There are horrific impacts. Jason deserves to be abhorred. He always lacked integrity and never deserved to be a Robin. Jason is a detriment to this show. He's an impertinent risible little junkie. Dick shows off his bad assery. There is hugely emotional business. Babs is so stupid. There is a fake accent. Babs does weapons twirling. There are distressing and extreme disagreements. There is no huge emotion.
This was a huge disappointment. There is confusion and expectations not met. Things are disputed. The defintion of fairness is a complex one. Tim's dad is shot. Bruce didn't notice his second ward was a junkie?
Best Lines:
“The strapping one is my man servant.”
“Choose to live like a servant.”
“He satisfies your urges.”
“Hank blew up!”
“Jason went dark.”
“You are expendable.”
“I don't like labs. Bad memories.”
“The cursed child.”
“Not for you, not ever.”
“Gotham got to Bruce.”
“Savour the victim's pain.”
“This was worth the wait.”
“Rats of Gotham.”
“Crane's new toy.”
“The bitch still has moves.”
“He had a tough life. That's what Bruce looks for. Someone with anger. Someone he can make into a weapon.”
Babs is worthless and Jason is a dealer now. There is resentment and constant threats and abuse. Oracle is an AI. Jason hangs out with the wrong type of people. There is an array of things going on. This was really obvious. There are extremely damaging events. Nobody is well adjusted or functional. There is societal change. This has disposability.
There are negative impacts. Jason and crane are malign paranoiacs, egotists and fascists. There are no sensible attiudes. Jason's narcissistic. There is obsession, chasos and disorder which are self defeating.
Best Lines:
“Doing this way before us.”
“Accept what he is.”
“Invalid answer.”
“You're still afraid of Dick Grayson.”
“How predicable are the righteous?”
“Juvie 101.”
This was incongruous. There are dark imprecations. There is a Titan signal. Connor and Blackfire hook up. Tim Drake visits. Jason is a demented psychopath. This was disastrous. Dick is not a cop anymore. Tim Drake demands to be made the next Robin. This was unintellectual. Jason is a junkie. This was not charming or entertaining. This was a bitghastly and not in a good way. Tim is a stalker. Jason tries to kill Dick. This was significantly flawed. This was baffling. Jason doesn't like anything. Vincent Kartheiser as Crane is terrible.
Best Lines:
“I wanna be the next Robin!”
“Some secrets have to be kept.”
“Who the second Robin was. The dead one.”
“Bruce Wayne kid.”
“Batman flourish.”
Bruce broods. This was not raw or harrowing. On Paradise Island, Raven tries to raise Donna Troy from the dead. Donna's dead, nobody cares. This was semi-chaotic. This was not eventful. Hank, Tim and Donna hang out in the afterlife. This was a contrivance too far. Tim lives. Hank reuunites with the 1st Dove. This was farcical. This was not much loved. The dramz! There is no deeper seriousness. Bruce does something dumb. Jason is a truly vengeful traitor. Certain lies are told.
Best Lines:
“Have you ever considered speaking less?”
“Culture and rituals of our island.”
“Make me fight sharks.”
“Before history, before memory.”
“Hero of our tribe, long forgotten now.”
The BoogieMan
It's Halloween 1964 in this white male saviour show. There is routinization of the weird. Donald Hotton of 'Deadly Lessons' guest stars. This was lackadaisical. Sam leaps into a writer and endures a shrill wife to be, an annoying local kid named Stevie who is always at his house and a creepy handyman who promptly dies via falling off a ladder. There is a black cat and a goat. Sam has a miserable disposition. He encounters an implacable and malevolent enemy who never shows up again. Or does he/it?
To demonstrate what a crap friend to Al, Sam always was, unbenowst to Sam the Al he spends the entire ep talking to, isn't Al! The series of dreadful misfortunes cause huge annoyance. The diabolical twist makes no sense. The only point of interest in this ep is the reveal of who Stevie is. Dean Stockwell's acting in this ep is appalling. The whole things turned out to have been a dream. At the end of the ep Stevie's mom Mrs King shows up in an oldsmobile with a St Bernard dog named Cujo in the back. The writer of this ep obviously DID NOT read 'Carrie'. Was this ep all a prelude to the evil leapers?
Best Lines:
“Gopher guts.”
“I've leaped into the Addams Family.”
“You want no part of his business.”
“Second rate HP Lovecraft.”
“966 Salem Avenue.”
“Hurt as in dead?”
Hello It's Me
The 'girls' mock Samantha as old, money hungry and no longer speaking to them. Miranda goes back to law school and whines about her sexually active son. Carrie wears an ugly hat indoors. Miranda is an idiot. There is so much SJW in this. Charlotte has duck lips. Steve's going deaf. TPTB do Samantha dirty. Miranda drinks. Big dies. Why doesn't she call 911? This was bad. You can see Chris Noth breathing when he is supposed to be dead!
Best Line:
“Someones quick with the pronouns.”