epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Riverdale 5x18+Heels 1x07 Reviewed 🥑🥑🧄🧄

Chapter Ninety-Four Next To Normal

Alice cracks up and people sing. Veronica wants to move in with Archie. Jughead is ignored. Cheryl wears a corset and screams about her cult. This season is so bad and disjointed.

The Big Bad Fish Management

Jack and Tom pissed by the side of the road and Tom tried to stop Jack ruining Ace's future. Jack was worried about running the DWL in a K-Mart parking lot. Jack and Tom fought by the side of the road. Tom was done with Jack's crap. Why is Jack so awful to Crystal? Jack does not pay his workers? Jack won't lose. Ace is unintelligent. The DWL's attiude to Crystal wanting to wrestle is so dated and odd. Jack is a jerk. Ace is told some home truths. Jack is sabotaging the DWL. Ace is shown Ace/Jack fanart, he does not react well. Willie is a wretched mother and wife, I don't care about her or her drama. Ace makes a choice. Crystal tells tales on Ace. Jack tries to control Ace's life. Jack does crap. Staci is annoying. Jack is scum with no concept of trespass laws. Can he not upstage Ace for 1 minute? This was okay.

Best Lines:

“Ace has a different destiny.”

“All the guys from your generation are dropping like flies!”

“How many drinks you had?”


“Wait an hour. Drive slow.”

“Intrigue and resentment.”

“Watch large men beat each other.”

“Pissing away your prime.”

“Speaking with concern and love.”

“It's not coming across that way.”

“Leave them to their own misery.”

Tags: heels, riverdale

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