epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Book Reviews: The Bedeviled + In That Endlessness, Our End, part 1

The Bedeviled by Thomas Cullinan

From the author of 'The Beguiled' comes this badly dated 1978 horror. A family move to an old farmhouse in Ohio. The father is useless, the daughter is ignored and the mother shrugs off her son's violence as well as talk of a pack of satanists in the area.

The idiot mother ignores her son sexually absuing 2 women. The father is all: boys will be boys. There are cheese anvils of foreshadowing. The boy's shrink shrugs off physical and sexual violence as boys will be boys. There is racism and sexism. The son is called Duff of all things. There is muder and VC Andrews style goings on.

Best Lines:

“Did somebody suggest he wasn't a great man?”

“He said you did something disgraceful in his church.”

“They're on the dope.”

“Brought calamity on myself.”

“What kind of prowler would want to break into an old house that doesn't even have a TV set?”

“He's supposed to know a lot about the local weirdos.”

“There's been some kind of diabolical plot against you.”

“A dreadful man. Positively horrifying.”

In That Endlessness, Our End by Gemma Files, part 1

This Is How It Goes

There is an encounter with the eldritch or something. This was okay.

Best Lines:

“It could see me. And I didn't want it to see me.”

“No regards whatsoever to the ruin he left in his wake.”

“First time you turn on the tap and nothing comes out, things go downhill pretty fast.”

“The ones I sometimes have to hide from.”

“Outcast, hated, ridiculed, for no reason I've ever been able to understand.”


Even the electrical grid is a thing to fear. This was good.

The Puppet Motel

I've read this before. A woman faces a huanted AirBnB. This was good.

Best Line:

“Chronic over-promiser.”

Tags: book review

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