epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Trailers, Quotes & Stuff

'Viewpoint' promo


'The Pursuit Of Love' promo

A creepy family.

'West Side Story' teaser

Oh hell no.

'Nine Perfect Strangers' promo


My ex has heartlessness. My ex caused such inexplicable pain. He has no obligation to me. My ex just switched off romantic impulses and emotionally set me aside. I deeply resent my ex. My ex = ghastly. My ex was a cruel disappointment. I assume there is a reason for this behaviour.

I want oval, raspberry, cat-eye and heart shaped sunglasses.

What is Cal-Mex?

'The Sunday Times' Quotes:

“Aiming for acceptance.”

“Find comfort in routine and rituals,”

“All too easy for some routines to become obsessions.”

“Negative thoughts take up more space.”

“Charged, at some level, with guilt,”

“Second helpings are often excused.”

“Total sensory pleasure.”

“Up to some adventure.”

“Formal English.”

“Horrific, traumatising things.”

“Trusted her vision.”

“The kind of language I spoke was nowhere to be found.”

“Deliberate emphasis on the sentiment.”

“Ghetto thinking.”

“Losing the things that made me like them.”

“Clear line of authority.”

“Remarkable personal drama.”

“An offering of trust.”

“No contemporary precedent.”

“Deep fondness-”

“Erudition, shrewdness and charm,”

“Father's desire is my command.”

“So grey and grim.”

“Class horrors.”

“Plentifulness was the basis of life.”

“Saw glimmers of hope.”

“Horrible-looking meat.”

“Despised elite.”

“English underwear.”

“Walked out of those portraits alive and lived among us.”

“Intellectual wisdom.”

“Strikingly favourable.”

“Served him or fought alongside him.”

“Their living god even today.”

“Turn against everyone.”

“Life of privilege became her curse.”

“They burnt everything we had.”

“People wearing “bourgeois” clothes on the street.”

“Went terribly wrong.”

“Tormentors continued to hound her,”

“Perceive a lack of interest.”

“Encountered disbelief.”

“Quit hellraising.”

“Angry face.”

“Full of rage and nihilism.”

“Hard-edged songs.”

“Needs orderliness and calm,”

“Will never improve.”

“Amid bitter rows.”

“Industry closed ranks against them.”

“Belatedly their achievements were recognised.”

“Suppplied the image and the direction.”

“Insists he's been excluded.”

“Direct contact was declined.”

“Twisted malevolence.”

“Sold to the press and public.”

“His musical abilities were so limited.”

“Semi-emaciated look wanted.”

“Everything becomes an instant threat.”

“More intensity.”

“No one is telling you anything except these strangers that keep turning up you don't recognise.”

“Can only end badly for you.”

“Untold grief.”

“Rot in misery.”

“Bloody judgmental and vicious.”

“Steeped in right-thinking and intolerance.”

“People you can't help.”

“Wonderful mystery and the glory.”

“Self-pity woeful songs.”


“Most inhospitable palces.”

“Decision-making became a real problem.”

“An ability to endure.”

“Things aren't quite going as you hoped.”

“Sterile wastelands,”

“Fertilisation of our oceans.”


“Catastrophic findings.”

“Ancient sea beds that have been frozen for the past 30 million years,”

“The deepest, darkest places where the oxygen supply has long run out-”

“Rapidly becoming useless.”

“Chilling experience.”

“Didn't fit into the box adults wanted me in.”

“Verbal threat or attack.”

“So furious at the torching of his reputation.”

“Sympathetic chronicler.”

“Justifiable retribution.”

“Shape of his legacy.”

“Longed for rebuttal.”

“Appeal to your decency,”

“Not yet in a position to share.”

“Who does the exonerating or what amends can be made.”


“A cautionary tale in getting the vindication you wish for.”

“There are no laws against acting this badly.”

“Disdain for his bullied and ultimately devastated wife.”

“The attendant implication that he must have had good reason to do what he did.”

“Evil culpability.”

“Symbolic expulsion of his corpse.”

“Premeditation, malice and motive.”

“Whispers, accusations and suspicions.”

“Unable to connect emotionally.”

“Deliberately provoke and amuse.”

“Hardly without incident.”

“Deeply unpopular with public.”

“National past.”

“Disapproved of education.”

“Knicker-pelted belter.”

“So aware of their lack of options.”

“Response to the unfamiliar.”

“Cultural formation.”

“Could not be atoned for.”

“Stupidly wealthy.”

“Grew up watching Star Trek and are determined to make human spaceflight a reality in their lifetimes.”

“Utopian space fantasies.”

'Business Post Magazine' Quotes:

“Indebted to the wrong people.”

“Disappearnace of the person you were.”

“Gleefully waiting for the day they can arrest him.”

“One step from being the scapegoat.”

“So present in the house.”

'Reeling In The Years' Quote:

“Put down the potato and listen.”

'The Irish Times' Quotes:

“Community reconciliation.”

“Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.”

Torrance Coombs - as Thomas Culpeper in "The Tudors" | Torrance coombs,  Actors, Reign

Tags: battlestar galactica/caprica, man from uncle, star trek, the tudors, thoughts, trailers

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