Sisters by Daisy Johnson
This is an over praised, over written novella about 2 weird sisters that is not a compulsive read. The twist is obvious. One sister asserted her dominance and the other was a wet rag.
Best Lines:
“Grim roadside pubs.”
“Voice overlaying her own.”
“Isolated, uninterested.”
“Moved to great cruelty.”
“She is angry with me and I am uncertain what she will do with the anger.”
“Was horrid to Mum. Made me horrid to Mum.”
“A darkening of worry at the threshold of their good life.”
“The glass she'd liked best and never let anyone else drink from.”
“We liked not having friends.”
“Knew just how to antagonise her without, it seemed, even trying.”
“Withholding of love for tactical advantage, the control concealed within silky folds of care.”