epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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My Ex = 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩, So This Cheers Me Up part 11

BOOM! Studios Relaunch Power Rangers With Mighty Morphin #1
#meta!wing if you will from Dark Knight Living In The Light
#this issue was so short and yet so good. i could write forever about how good DCeased is honestly from For Latverians, that is the face of hope.
#this issue was so short and yet so good. i could write forever about how good DCeased is honestly from For Latverians, that is the face of hope.
#this issue was so short and yet so good. i could write forever about how good DCeased is honestly from For Latverians, that is the face of hope.
#this issue was so short and yet so good. i could write forever about how good DCeased is honestly from For Latverians, that is the face of hope.
Tags: comics, thoughts, tommy oliver

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