epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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Trailers, Quotes & Stuff

'Chaos' promo


'Ricky & Morty' promo

“I hate all of this.”

'Space Force' trailer

I thought this was a documentary.

Gluten free Tagliatelle – okay.

What is Elvis Juice?

What is a Memphis Rub?

I won't bother with any more 'Guilt' or 'Lost In Space'.

Who saw 'Semi-Tough'?

Recall the Fat Boys?

What is a shellac disc or magnetic wire?

There are quirky back lanes near me that I've always wanted to explore.

My ex's seeming indifference hurts. Our relationship's fate was unexpected, awful and crushing.

'Timeshift' Quote:

“Very depths of the universe.”

'Sneakers' Quotes:

Who doesn't seem to have a past.”

“You're the guys I hear breathing on the other end of my phone.”

“Government's taken away my home.”

“We all know what happened to him in there.”

“Don't say no.”

“No, I do not believe you.”

“A loathsome man.”

“Helped some nice older gentlemen make some free telephone calls.”

“The whole building says go away.”

“The world's most boring human.”

'The Irish Times' Quotes:

“Hemmed-in feeling.”

“Foundational love.”

“Too terrifying.”

“Controlled tragedy.”

“Awareness of her husband's “work” side by side with her diary entries listing frivolous cultural pursuits reaching a level of criminal denial that that makes for chilling reading.”

“Overcrowded hospitals turned away the dying.”

“Pessimistic reading.”

“The standard plague story is of inexorability, inescapability.”

“An indicator a threshold moment,”

“Warped ideas of love equalling constant sacrifice and endurance and pain.”

“Relationship seemed largely defined by your emotions and needs and boundaries being overlooked.”

“Hired an actor to sound terrifying.”

“Chillingly dismiss her with a suggestion that she is both jealous and lucky.”

“Perpetuating this dishonouring of your emotions.”

“Preserve an idealised idea of the relationship and your ex.”

“Cultural fallacy.”

“Not single film makes any significant acknowledgment of the conflict.”

“Exploited the sense of dread.”

“Pessimistic prophet.”

“You can't buy a pair of knickers now.”

“Narrative culture.”

“Terrible epilogue.”

“Rapidity that dulls the senses.”

“Eighteen and a bit years ago, columns such as this were awash with suggesitons that movies would, in the wake of 9/11, become kinder, gentler and more escapist.”

“The 2000s gave us Saw, 28 Days Later and The Dark Knight.”

“Whose ideal man would have “tattoos and a job”.”

“Whose idea of a long-term relationship is “four weeks”.”

“The only thing I do well is loom large. I do that better than anybody.”

“Frightening and plausible embodiment of mid-level establishment intolerance.”

“Gutted their revenue base.”

“Offered no explanation as to why he was there.”

“Cause hardship in his community.”

'FTWeekend' Quotes:

“A spitfire fly-past is rumoured.”

“Crying girls in bathroom stalls, distressed by their boyfriends' intentions.”

“Non-communicative isolation.”

“A genius comeback album no one wanted.”

“Mass media anaesthetises empathy.”

“Blank untouchability and remoteness.”

“Chilly and cheap aesthetic.”

“A race to avert this silencing.”

“Obliterated by use.”

“Much of the world's audio heritage is at risk of becoming unlistenable without a few years – about 15, is the global consensus – due to a combination of physical degredation and technical obsolescence.”

“Cascading into obsolescence.”

“The passsing-on of their expertise becomes imperative.”


“Burly Americans who always seemed to be called Kyle or Brent-”

“Real threat always seemed to be other people.”

“One of the first serious sociological studies of almost anything-”

“Officals who fall out of windows at opportune (or inopportune) moments,”

“Obdurate insistence.”


“Predator within his own home,”

“Capable of extinguishing life on Earth almost entirely.”

“Little thought for its long-term future and an unhealthy appetite for risk.”

“Total extinction.”

“Humanity has quite literally a place among the stars.”

“End the evils of our world and build a society that is truly just.”

“Hated science.”

Fiona Apple Quote:

“Love is a hell you cannot hear.”

'A.P. Bio' Quotes:

Do not blast the dead baby pigs at my British nemesis.”

“Degree from a religious liberal arts college.”

“Cook in your mind oven.”

“I will pick a phone at random and start reading your search history out loud.”

“You ruin everything!”

“Hack off the snout.”

“Customers do not want that, unless they're French.”

“Hated all my ideas too.”

“Saddled with an unwanted child.”

“Worse than fish week.”

“All my ideas are bad.”

“Stick to the emotional crushing.”

“Set him up for rejection.”

“Permament virgin.”

“My numerous celebrity lovers.”

“My intellect will be worshipped by students.”

“You'll finally be taught by someone who couldn't get into med school.”

“I'll miss you least of all.”

“Get revenge on the drum corps!”

“Took a sharp turn to anger.”

“A powerline got him.”

“The cash for gold guy is on line 3.”

“Drums slightly off tempo.”

“I cannot douse a teenage girl in blood.”

“That's not a good website.”

“Head fire.”

“My good looks and my uh wit and my charm. But you guys don't have that.”

“My sketchy neighbour breeds snakes.”

“Sounds sucky.”

'BBC News' Quotes:

“Angels on Earth.”

“Toilet situation.”

'48 Hours' Quotes:

“Suspicions were gathering around her.”

“Blood doesn't turn corners.”

“Psycho woman.”

'The Simpsons' Quotes:

“My last solid food was an ice cube. My tv is a milk crate with a squirrel in it!”

“There's a doctor for your teeth?”

'Star Trek' Quote:

“It would be interesting captain to return to that world in a 100 years and learn what crop had sprung from the seed you planeted today.”

'Ringsend and Her Sister Villages' Quotes:

“Ragged squalid tenantry.”

“Critical and uncomplimentary.”


“Vile, filthy and disgraceful-looking.”

'The Sunday Business Post' Quote:

“The other grandad misses going to the bookies.”

'RTE News' Quote:

“Constructive tensions.

'RT' Quote:

“Still insist today.”

'The Sunday Times' Quotes:

“Define their white trash image.”

“Hushed civility.”

“Manageable ambition.”

“Man toys.”

“Effect on his life has been devastating.”

“Only more hated.”

“Sees his life as a series of savage challenges.”

“School isn't to be enjoyed, it is to be suffered.”

“Filled with misery and showdowns and awful arguments.”

“The burglary at Christmas where you accosted two burglars with a shotgun that had been made into a lampshade and the police nearly arrested you.”

“Financial undermining.”

“Looks like the man who shouts at people outside the supermarket?”

“Your turds won't end up in a manta ray.”

'Dr Phil' Quote:

“T-shirts all talk to me.”

Tags: star trek, thoughts, trailers

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