'Extraction' trailer
Chris Hemsworth kicks foreigners.
'Devs' promo
'Lincoln Rhyme: The Hunt For The Bone Collector' trailer
A remake of the movie which was based on a book. What is wrong with the heroine's lips? A serial killer kills. This looks good.
Best Line:
“Put me in this bed.”
'Motherland: Fort Salem' 1x05 promo
“All my fathers."
'Lost Relics Of The Knights Templar' promo
'Dark Side Of The Ring: Chris Benoit' was good.
'Channel 4 News' Quotes:
“Range Of expectations.”
'Moonbreaker' Quotes:
“You should be grateful you never knew them.”
“Just something that followed the Librarian home from the Asylum for the Criminally Insane.”
“It feels like the statue is looking at us, and not in a good way.”
“What he could have done that was so bad even they couldn't stomach it.”
“Someone had to pay for what my life had become.”
“Nothing like giving the enemy a really good slapping to improve your day.”
'Loretta Lynn: Still A Mountain Girl' Quote:
“Drinking songs and cheating songs.”
'Pandemic: A Horizon Guide' (2009) Quotes:
“We have seen every one of worst predicitons confirmed.”
“Incredibly filthy.”
“Sinister hallmark.”
“Wipe the disease from our world.”
“One of the most contagious in existence.”
“Yet to be eradicated.”
“Freed from the enslaving fever.”
“Social fallout.”
“Organised civil government.”
'The Irish Times' Quotes:
“Life becomes miserable, relationships break, depression settles in.”
“The fatuous narrative that the plague is being brought to the hapless rural folk of Ireland by the perfidious city dweller?”
“Plough ahead, regardless of the pain.”
“Nor are they encouraged to seek advice.”
“Coercive powers.”
“Who allowed these people enter this country.”
“They might have no holiday homes to return to when the Covid-19 crisis is over.”
“Shaming power of social disapproval.”
“Willingness on the part of the public to accept it is necessary.”
“Perceived enemies.”
“Keep the real situation from the wider world.”
“The crisis was gratefully forgotten.”
“Behavioural dynamic approaches.”
“Displayed a complete lack of appreciation.”
“Onerous laws that people ignore, a musical chairs succession of weak governments,”
“Profound silence.”
“We don't need ro want these silly people that come around here that don't understand what we are trying to do-”
“No viable alternative option.”
“Appointment with history.”
“Paid the price of complete political irrelevance, something that was completely forseebale at the time.”
Sins & Secrets' Quotes:
“The excessive bloodloss suggest somehting terrible.”
“Weren't quite so beloved.”
“Alone and miserable.”
“Colder than a dead mackeral that had lain on the sidewalk for a week.”
'Dr Phil' Quotes:
“Creates grave consequences.”
“Not becoming.”
'BBC News' Quotes:
“Some awful people out there.”
“Normal life has become a distant dream.”
'The Interview' Quotes:
“After all the death camp sh*t.”
“That was John Kerry's office!”
“Forget that oak tree looking f**k!”