Grave Goods
By Gemma Files. I’ve read this before. An archaeological dig portends inevitable doom. Characters look for confrontation and provoke it. There is no reasoned opinion and everything is catastrophised. Very good.
Best Line:
“Yet left forever unaccepted.”
Between Dry Ribs
A bizarre tale of ‘people’ at complete variance with morality. Odd.
The Days Of Our Lives
By Adam L.G. Nevill. An incoherent would be weird tale. No.
The House Of Wonders
The long dark history of a forgotten seaside amusement is revealed. This was excellent, creepy and memorable.
The Numbers
The family reject strikes back. Okay.
Bright Crown Of Joy
I’ve read this wilfully substandard dreck before.
The Beautiful Thing We Will Become
Not a logically coherent take on ‘Frankenstein’.
Wish You Were Here
A ghost story abroad. Okay.