epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

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The Final Destination novels

In 2005, a series of ‘Final Destination’ novels were published.

Dead Reckoning by Natasha Rhodes
A singer has a premonition, dull.

Destination Zero by David McIntee
A terrorist bomb plot and flashbacks to 1888 which feature Sherlock Holmes and Jack The Ripper. No, just no.

End Of The Line by Rebecca Levene
Students hang out. This features a gross scene involving a bathtub. Daft.

Dead Man’s Hand by Steven A. Roman
This has an AIDS joke. No.

Looks Could Kill by Nancy A. Collins
A model does bad things. No.

There were 2 more novels ‘Death Of The Senses’ and ‘Wipeout’ which were cancelled. Sadly the novels weren’t good.
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