‘Viceroy’s House’ TV spot
‘Horizon Zero Dawn’ ad
What? Earth is no longer ours.
‘SNL’ skit ‘Black Widow’ movie
Did this inspire ‘Supergirl’? Okay.
Best Line:
“Penis activated.”
‘Girls’ 5x10 clip
Adam and Jesse fight. A lot. Adam lets us know how he really feels. Man, he’s volatile.
‘Girls’ clip
Adam doesn’t seem to wear shirts.
‘Power Rangers’ TV spot
A giant Goldar and evil Rita.
Extra fine orange dark chocolate - yum.
Cucumber, kiwi, ginger and apple juice - okay.
Houseguest wails about how he spent all his money, his “charm” and his umbrella. He whines about how he has no autonomy and how his personality was “shattered” in this 20s. He’s intellectually blank, morally imbecilic and apparently unconcerned with anyone else. He rants about wineglasses, candles and steals drink and food. He slams doors, goes out and leaves the oven and an egg on.
Is it a law that every newsagent must become a Centra?
I want a unicorn cupcake.
Read cool ‘Gotham’ casting info.
There is biodynamic wine?
Watched some of an old ‘Poirot’ ep ‘Elephants Can Remember’, it was confusing.
Recall the ‘Lois & Clark’ 1996 wedding ep with the frog eating clone copout?
I saw a pair of men’s underpants abandoned on a city street.
Someone is claiming that the deceased ‘Countdown’ host was an MI5 spy?!?
I will review ‘The Private Lives Of The Tudors’.
‘Lady Midnight’ Quotes:
“Try to get noticed less.”
“Mundanes think everything is satanic cult activity.”
“Individuality was not something they valued.”
“Let’s rune up.”
‘The Irish Times’ Quotes:
“Unintentionally adult-centric.”
“Regarded as the dregs of society.”
“Demean themselves by associating themselves with them.”
“We are prepared neither to apologise, nor to explain.”
“Children of sin.”
“Who are famously extravagant spenders.”
“In 1066, the Scandavian social model largely involved axing people to death.”
“Social problems inherent in their way of life.”
“Sanitary wear.”
“Has not been co-operative.”
‘The Guardian’ Quotes:
“Is her marriage registered under English law? No, her husband was worried it would affect his benefits.”
“Marital captivity.”
“Women risk being turned out of their homes with nothing.”
“Actively glad they weren’t making any more episodes.”
“Cable companies long since departed.”
“I don’t deal with shady people.”
“Cultural concepts.”
“Dude food.”
“Instagram-driven idiocy.”
“Perhaps because they disapproved of our presence.”
“Caused remarkably little concern.”
“Former friends selling lurid stories to the tabloids.”
“Main activity seems to be riding around in meadows at night in stolen cars.”
“If men loved women as strongly as women want them to;”
“Lower the moral standards of those who see it.”
“The unknowable male.”
“High-minded sentiments.”
“Where will this new booze-drench social life lead them? Clue; somewhere bad.”
‘3 News’ Quote:
“Using a scary tone of voice.”
‘Sky News’ Quote:
“Disregarding a feasible line of inquiry.”
‘Dr Phil’ Quotes:
“I obviously did not beat you enough.”
“Sabotaging everything I do.”
“The problem is not me.”
“Whole family has turned on me.”
“Trashy photo-shoots.”
“That devoid of insight.”
“You are toxic.”
‘FTWeekend’ Quotes:
“Or, as happened once, biting his face.”
“Clearly, and sometimes alarmingly, mentally ill.”
“You could not command the respect of fellow police unless you had at some stage broken up a pub fight.”
On ‘Neighbours’: Xanthe is thick and plans to be a nurse. Doesn’t anyone ever work? Leo is sneak and a thief. Terese plays Gary and Paul off each other. Who’d want fat Terese? Gary and Terese hook up. Karl eats Aaron’s sausage. There is bad practice. Elly busts Piper’s latest lies. Xanthe is berated by bitches. Proof of age cards are a plot point. Drab rants. Piper is in trouble. Tyler is berated by Piper. She’s tired of eating beans and she’s overreactive. Aaron and Amy stick their noses in. Willow blackmails Elly.
Best Lines:
“The man is a walking ego.”
“How I’m not shining.”
“Who has nothing.”
“My phone’s busted!”
On ‘Hollyoaks’: Leela rants. Neeta is berated by Grace’s vile half-brothers. They’re hideously awful. They have the sole aim of causing chaos. This was pretty dire. I’ve intense contempt for Leela. Tegan dresses like an 80s doll. James child-minds. Slutty Leela neglects her child to go out partying and drinking. She’s bad and stupid and given to incendiary comments. All Neeta’s possessions fit in 1 suitcase. Neeta is commented on and judged. James and John-Paul have more forced estrangement. James has negative attitudes and gets no acceptance or validation from John-Paul. The foul John-Paul ignores James’ hurt and toxic shame and lasting legacy of bitterness.
John-Paul and James get engaged. Harry kicks off at Ste. Nancy and her Leia hairdo cries over the unwelcome future. Leela screeches. Ste is fairly wretched and there is a pervasive sorrowful mood. There is no serious melodrama. Leela has no compelling psychological intricacies. Ste is sneering, smug and silly. This was not rich with dramatic possibilities. Where is Craig? John-Paul has pathetic desperation to get back with Ste and they hook up. John-Paul ignores his son. Has everyone forgotten that Ste is HIV positive?
Best Lines:
“Look rough as.”
“She’s not welcome back here. Ever.”