‘The Flash’ season 2 promo
Nice but where is Wells?
‘Krampus’ trailer
Evil Santa has come to town and you gonna die! HA!
Best Lines:
“Mine’s dry.”
“Looks like Martha Stewart threw up in here.”
‘Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D’ season 3 promo
Skye calls herself Daisy and Inhumans lurk. No.
Best Lines:
“I’m not scared of you.”
“You should be.”
‘Arrow’ season 4 promo
Oliver lives in the burbs with Felicity. Ray is believed dead. Diggle wears a ridiculous super suit. Laurel gets blonder and since when can she ride a motorbike? Malcolm, Constantine, Nyssa, Lance and guns pop up. As does Damien Darhk. In this moral tundra, there are no innocent people.
Best Lines:
“Oliver walked away.”
“Let it die.”
“You brought madness.”
“Inspired monsters.”
‘You’ll Never See Me Again’ (1973) promo
A wife storms out on her lout husband after a row and vanishes. Looks good.
Best Lines:
“I’ll bite your hand.”
“You made me lose my temper.”
“Take the bus!”
“I will!”
Corn relish - nice.
There will be no paperback of ‘Mammoth Book Of Best New Horror 26’. Damn.
My phone line has been fixed. Took long enough.
I won’t read ‘Absent’.
‘Artists and Models’ (1955) was an artistically negligible Martin and Lewis comedy.
BBC1’s new drama ‘Doctor Foster’ is not good.
‘Dr Phil’ Quotes:
“I don’t like anyone.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I’m angry.”
“I don’t have respect for anyone.”
“I choose not to like them.”
“You made a girl cry.”
“Frequent enough.”
“I insult strangers.”
“You’ve done it worse.”
“A stupid bitch.”
“Has no filter.”
“Nobody listens.”
“The lack of understanding.”
On ‘Neighbours’: Brad brands Terese a crazed alcho.
On ‘Hollyoaks’: Lola and Trevor’s plan to rob Patrick goes awry. Theresa tries to expose Patrick as a liar and thief but fails. Patrick gloats, he hasn’t changed an iota. The Robbie/Holly/Jason triangle of doom drags on. Lola is Ashley. Ben is terrible at his job and Nico is nuts.