epiphany_maria (epiphany_maria) wrote,

  • Music:

Trailers, Quotes and Stuff

‘Fear Island’ trailer
Horrible people party in ugly swimwear. There is stupidity, bugs, goo and death. This could be okay.

Best Lines:
“Someone else is out there.”

“Could it be a name?”

‘War Of The Three Kings’ promo
This BBC2 drama looks cheap.

‘Show Me A Hero’ promo

‘Le Reine Margot’ (1994) trailer

‘Odyssey’ 1x13 promo
Not caring.

‘Dennis The Menace’ (1993) promo

Gluten & wheat free Rocky Road bar - ugh.
Gluten & wheat free Belgian chocolate orange biscuit cake - yum.
Cherry laffy taffy - yum.
Sour Apple laffy taffy - vile.
Chocolate & Almond dairy Free frozen goodness - yum.
Apple Blackberry candy - excellent.

I will review ‘Child Of The Eagle’, season 1 ‘Agent Carter’, ‘The Scandalous Lady W’, ‘Dark Equinox’, ‘Cthulhu Fhtagn!’, ‘The Silver Skull’, ‘The Neighbours’, ‘Sword & Blood’, ‘Haunted Souls’, ‘The Outsiders’, ‘The Madness of Cthulhu 2’, ‘Right To Know’ and ‘Alice’.

Wanna try a French Dip Sandwich and sweetshop bling.

Go away Chelsea Wolfe.

‘The Man From Uncle’ (2015) Quote:
“They follow everybody.”

‘Twenty Years After’ Quotes:
“I am, unfortunately, no longer living at the time when princes wished to have me assassinated. Ah, that was a fine time!”

“What! Our friends -”
“Have become our most dangerous enemies.”

‘The Sunday Times’ Quotes:
“They don’t respond.”

“Tastes of muff.”

“Throaty, posh tones.”

“Like Alexa Chung on crack or something.”

“A total numb-off.”

“She mock wails.”

“Classic playboy bastard.”

“I drank cider in bus shelters.”

“Immense disappointment in one’s reality as opposed to a fantasy life, fed by everything from high literature, to Hello!, Instagram and Vogue, that promised something much, much better, and yet was always just out of reach.”

“A Bible group in Milan that welcomed traumatised models.”

“Shave her hipbones.”

“Expected to “escort” elderly businessmen.”

“Reading a dubious tone.”

“Maddening blend of evasiveness and contrition.”

“Puffin-chasing yokels.”

“Inherently unreliable witness.”

“Bitterly disillusioned.”

“Suspected an improbable political conspiracy.”

“Recklessly irresponsible.”

“Long, meandering monologues.”

“Sanctimonious judgmental sympathy.”

“Reduce her pride.”

“So malapert.”

“Suffer such insolent words.”

“Denying observed reality.”

“His complete ownership of her: she does not control her lips, or her body, her husband can take it or leave it as he pleases.”

“Take the opinion from the woman.”

“Keeps his shouty tendencies well in check.”

“The drama’s falsity.”

“Like a standard yuppies-in-peril movie from the 1990s.”

“Professional harrumphers.”

“Always looks like she’s smelling lavatories and disapproves of the whole charabanc as tasteless and intrusive.”

“With all the natural warmth of a duchess visiting a workhouse.”

“Otiose period lingo.”

“Overstating the reaction.”

“Short-fused haughtiness.”

“The hieratic keeper.”

“Thoreau-like devotion.”

“Pete Seeger threatened to cut the sound cable with an axe.”

“The Apollonian ideal of a folk singer.”

“Hoboing on freight trains.”

“Insufficiently concerned with war, bombs, freedom and righteousness.”

“The communitarianism of Seeger’s hootenanny singsongs.”

“Sufficient enthusiasm.”

“Devastating discourse.”

“Ab absurdum.”

“He joined MI5 in 1974, despite public declarations of admiration for Adolf Hitler, his penchant for singing pro-Nazi songs, a conviction for drunkenness, fare-dodging on the railway and various other displays of character defects.”

“Going politely unspoken.”

“Masquerading as skinheads by means of peel-off tattoos.”

‘Dr Phil’ Quotes:
“I would not. I would not.”

“Violence was escalating.”

“Couldn’t say her words.”

“Soul-shattering disappointment.”

“Denied consideration.”

“Uninvited to school.”

“Have an escape plan.”

“Integrate her slowly back into the house.”

“Work on the behaviour plan.”

“Not welcome back at school.”

“Throws chairs at her.”

“Tears the stainless steel doors off the refrigerator.”

“Aggressive tantrums.”

“A warzone in her home.”

“Lied your way out of a lie.”

“He’s damaged everything.”

“It never happened.”

“Never there.”

“Emotional management.”

“A sick and twisted lie.”

On ‘Hollyoaks’: Jason isn’t dead. Robbie has no remorse. Kim goes. Frankie changes Curtis’ name to Stefan prompting a ‘Neighbours’ joke. Scott won’t leave. Ste is dumb. Holly and Ben are purposeless. Robbie is a Rat Pack fan. Trevor plans a custody hearing. Robbie kisses Holly and Jason turns Robbie in.

Best Lines:
“I had a good day begging.”

“I thought you said you met in an alleyway.”

“He got us with his disease.”

“Caught me hand getting some food out of the bin.”

“Ooh, scary gangster.”

“Didn’t even know you could spell clever.”

“Massive wall of hair.”

“We’re not serving you.”
Tags: man from uncle, musketeers, thoughts, trailers

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